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  7. Strawberry...

  • 1 pint ripe strawberries, rinsed, hulled and halved
  • ½ cup sugar, divided use
  • 2 tablespoons dry milk powder
  • ¼ teaspoon xanthan gum
  • Pinch of salt
  • 1¼ cups whole milk
  • 1¼ cups heavy cream
  • 2 tablespoons glucose
  • 3 ounces cream cheese, room temperature
  • ½ cup Red Belly Honey
  • Rbel Bee Honey Gummies for topping, optional

Toss strawberries with half of the sugar and spread onto a sheet tray. Roast in a preheated 375 F oven for about 15 minutes. Cool.

Combine remaining sugar, dry milk, xanthan gum and salt in a small bowl and stir well; set aside.

Combine in a medium pot milk, cream and glucose. Heat liquid, add cream cheese and dry mixture. Simmer for a few minutes. Cool slightly and stir in honey, add strawberries and their juices and chill for several hours or overnight. Remove the pot from the heat; cool. Add strawberries and refrigerate until well chilled, at least 6 hours, or overnight. Process in an ice cream mixture according to machine directions. Top with Rbel Bee Honey Gummies. Makes about 4 to 6 servings.

Photography by Matt Armendariz


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