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Honey Apple Pie Cocktail

Imagine enjoying this iconic dessert whether it’s present or not. You’ll have flavors reminiscent of it anytime.

  • 2 ounces apple brandy
  • ½ ounce Baileys Irish Cream
  • ½ ounce Red Belly Honey Simple Syrup, recipe follows
  • Sprinkle of cinnamon
  • Freshly grated nutmeg, as desired

Shake all the ingredients vigorously. Pour over ice and garnish with a thin slice of apple dipped in honey and sprinkled with cinnamon on the rim of the glass. Makes 1 cocktail.

To make Red Belly Honey simple syrup, dissolve 2 ounces honey with 4 ounces of warm water. Shake to blend.

Photography by Alyson Brown


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